Friday, June 26, 2009

How to practice video's? Oh great!

I made a short youtube video about how I want my students to practice effectively, in order to see the best results in the shortest amount of time.  

Fortunately for me, Youtube loves to thumbnail all of my videos when I look the most ridiculous!  It looks like I am singing "oooo"!  This is not a voice lesson!  Anyways, to all my students, there is no new information inside this video... but if you watch it let it remind you what it takes to really learn something.  Don't forget the "Mess around time" though!  

As for everything else, I had a rehearsal for a gig this coming Wednesday with Jacob Stickney at Lucid.  It is going to be cool, it is always fun to play in Jacob's band.  His originals are fun and I love everyone in that group.  Hmm, any other gigs of note..?  Playing the finish line of a race at 8:00 am Sunday with the Little Big Band (sub-group of the Emerald City Jazz Orchestra), played three private events last week, and am taking the trio down to Astoria tomorrow to play a gig.  Rocked the house at Lucid (awesome new local jazz club) with Bridgid Roney and Richelle Gay and Kiranda.  For Kiranda's gig there were not many people there, so we got to mess around and all practice our free-styling and what-not.  I have also met and performed with May Palmer, Queen of Ivory Soul.  What a great front woman she is!  

Dudley is playing the Triple Door on July 3rd!  Be there or be square.  We are also holding auditions for a new guitarist.  If you are interested, contact me through my website.



Monday, June 15, 2009

Proud of Seattle today! Seattle students drown out anti-gay demonstration | Top Stories |

This is so awesome, I am so excited that the counter-protest was such a success.  If I was at the protest I feel like I would have wanted to punch em out!  I guess thats why the police are there, but man, people do not get beat up for being dumb asses anymore!  I am glad the message could get across peacefully, so funny that there are christians out there that preach hate.  Those people are not welcome in our state/city.

Seattle students drown out anti-gay demonstration | Top Stories |
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